Empowering Students to Own Their Experience

Thankfully few questions strike with such indelibility but two recent ones by a seventh grader landed hard.  Foreign at first, I was patient and let the seeds germinate, even though possibly sown with jagged teenage hormonal dissent.

“What’s the minimum?’ she asked with disgust.


“You haven’t answered my question in chat!” (during Zoom class meeting)

“Oh, sorry. I was busy explaining what we are doing.”


On more than one occasion a student (actually, probably 5 different students over the course of virtually learning), either asked aloud or put in the chat,  “Can I go to the bathroom?”  I’m unsure if ever a question could wreak more of compliance.  This certainly is something I endeavor to move away from.

Important to revisit purpose of learning (not to get a grade) and also timeliness in taking advantage of 2nd learning opportunities.  Not to be overly focused on grades but to pay close attention.  I received this e-mail two weeks into summer:

“Hello mr.piercy I got two beginning approaching and I want to improve my grade so can you explain to me what kind of things I need to improve on?”



COVID’s Theory…A squared + B squared equals?

Just for Now
Sleep less and commute more.  These are not exactly selling points.  However, lockdowns are being broken and the migration back to places of work is to commence; if it hasn’t already.  Anxiety pours thicker through people’s veins, the anticipation lackluster to say the least.  Lists of “What I’m Not Excited About” being scripted in invisible ink.  Less time with family and more  social pressure.  Yet, chief atop my list, is not an aversion to “rules” and regulations, rather a mental fatigue as a result of  attempting in good faith to keep everything straight.  To abide, surely even more difficult than to even understand what schools and governments want.  To return to some semblance of “normal,” but maintain distance, wear a mask, and don’t use athletic fields.  All that seemingly makes us human, stripped down.  The dependable formula seemingly changed.  A squared plus B squared, for some reason now equals I squared.  Might the “I” variable represent “illogical?”  Or does it stand for “irrational?”  Regardless, I find it helps to remind myself of three words, totalling but 10 letters.
“Just for now.”  A sort of mantra.
A preliminary list of dos and don’ts
I Want to Be a YouTuber
I’ve been thinking a lot about the way how things panned out with “emergency learning,” a term I recently heard to replace “virtual learning.”  We’ve done the best we can, yet even before it is over I reflect on how I might be more effective come the Fall and the start of another school year.  With near 100%  certainty elements of learning remotely will still be offered in addition to the traditional face-to-face.  For families not yet reassured that schools are safe and for others that may be in remote locations.  Chief amongst my endevourings is for compliance to be substituted for engagement.  This leaves me with several ideas of what next to pursue, relative to methodologies that might prove more appealing to today’s learners.  The intentional use of more video, including videos of me, as I emulate compelling strategies employed by YouTubers?  Not only might this be more alluring, but it also is aligned with the evolution of learning anytime, anywhere and from anyone.  Only in this case, from ME and asynchronously.
Michael Wesch, professor of cultural anthropology & world religions, is my inspiration in this.  Breaking down the 4-walls of classrooms and taking learning out into the world, Wesch offers university students something a “little” different.  His most recent video is titled, “Teaching Online by Going Offline: The Adventure Lecture.”  
I Just Need to Finally Do it (Students and Digitally Portfolios)
More than 20 years ago I made a professional portfolio as part of my Masters work.  It was in binder form, as this was before the widespread use of personal computers.  From time to time I’ve considered picking back up on this idea, knowing the great benefits of a digital portfolio.  I also knocked around the idea of students creating theirs too.  However, like that box of stale cereal in the cupboard that we reach past, always for something tastier or fresher, I continually looked past the portfolio idea.
But not anymore.
Already wading waist-deep into the water, I continue to explore how I professionally can utilize the portfolio process.  Further, finding it a definitive high-impact practice, it is something I want for students.  The role it might play in empowering students is clear.  Students  are decision makers, as they curate their learning.  It screams out, “Ownership!” as passivity morphs into action.  Digital portfolios allow for authenticity, reflection, and an opportunity to showcase learning over time.  My guru for all things digital portfolios is George Couros.  He can found here:  George
Maybe it makes sense for my first YouTube video to be on portfolios.  Let’s see, how to make that combination memorable?

Is Lilliput the “New Normal”?

What might we expect for the 2020-21 school year?  With the endless possibilities, stringent measures, and unavoidable conservative changes being considered, one word encapsulates what I am feeling.  An omnipotent word that wakes me up at night and during the daylight hours, blinds my mind’s eye.  Lilluput. A fictional island of Gulliver’s Travels, Johnathan Swift’s timeless satirical classic. Lilliputians, symbolic of the excessive hubris we humans often exhibit.  A pride that in effect shrinks our very existence.  Where structure and bureaucracy become too thick to even wade through. Impossible 10-point plans schools hurriedly are designing, so learning can be brought from on-line to in-person once again.

Opening Back Up
The motivation to open schools back up is driven largely by a a desire to allow students human connection.  Some schools even consider an in-person finish to the 2019-20 school year, even if for one or two weeks.  A risk some declare is worth taking, if this means children (families and teachers too!) might feel good about the world again.  Safety of course driving any decisions being made.  There are considerations of student numbers on campus, possibly just 50%.  Question whether or not to utilize cafeterias.  Hands on learning, but only if items are manipulated by single individuals and also disinfected at night.  What type of masks are best?  On-site COVID-19 testing, data protection and self-declaration forms.   Of course, agreed upon social distancing requirements too.  The list goes on.
Is this how classrooms are going to look?
Confronting the Pervasive Uncertainty
One cannot help but wonder what this might not only look like, but what it will feel like? Though for many the motivation is to recover their pre-COVID life, a clear recognition of a changed world is imperative.  One that we MUST embrace.  No matter how strange it might feel for a teacher to keep her distance from a pupil, or try to read facial expressions covered a mask. So much is out of our control.  Yet, what is, is how we might respond.  Determinedly, as teachers we have a moral obligation to confront the pervasive uncertainty.  To run full speed ahead in vulnerability.  Trusting leadership.
Next Steps
Lemuel Gulliver, the “gullible” narrator, had several redeeming qualities.  I would argue that chief amongst these was that he expected others to be honest.  Amidst the current pandemic, we might benefit from a similar mindset.   Further, we might add fuel to the fire, by simply envisaging the irony all around us.  Gulliver was a prisoner to men no larger than six inches tall.  What imprisons us?  And, can we move beyond this and positively put our energy to use?  Possibly, even to pursue levity?  An upturned grin?  A chuckle?  No doubt, the world could certainly use a lot more laughter right now!





Project-Based (Connections: Past and Present)


This was the culmination of our unit titled, “Connections: Past and Present.”  The title, “Back to the Future” sought to encourage students to meet the two objectives:

    • Identify what changed and why 
    • Identify how the object might change in the future

All in all, I was extremely pleased with how students performed and the entire project was completed during virtual learning (COVID-19).  We, as a team, already are very aware of how limiting our standards-based approach can be.  This being said, it was especially rewarding to observe how dedicated students were at each step of the process.  Chris’s video above is but one representation of this. He demonstrates a high-degree of professionalism in  presenting and the virtual model he created clearly exhibits pride.  Though creativity is on the rubric (see below), it is not something we assess (yet!).  Rather it is a school attribute and we are beginning to consider how we might more routinely web school attributes into our project work.


Back to the Future: Summative Project


Learning Goal Beginning Approaching Meeting Advanced

Understands that studying the past helps us understand how the world has changed and how it might change in the future 

(Future Product & Flipgrid Presentation)

I can identify how my object changed through time and how it might change in the future at a limited level. I can partially identify how my object changed through time and how it might change in the future. I can proficiently identify how my object changed through time and how it might change in the future. I can identify how my object changed through time and how it might change in the future at a sophisticated level.
ISB Attribute


Develops new and imaginative ideas that have impact

(Future Product & 

Flipgrid Presentation)

I explore new ideas and use limited imagination

in my future product and Flipgrid presentation.

I explore new ideas and use some imagination

in my future product and Flipgrid presentation.

I explore new ideas and use my imagination

in my future product and Flipgrid presentation. 

I explore new ideas and use huge amounts imagination

in my future product and Flipgrid presentation.


Invitation to Parents:

Dear Parents of 7th Graders~
Thank you to so many parents for your responses. I have been experiencing a few problems with my e-mail and am unsure if this went out to all the parents on my bcc’ list. I apologize if it is a repeat message. If so, please just delete. Again, thank you for your support!
We hope you and your families are well.  In an effort to connect school, home and learning we are hopeful you might celebrate with us.  You may remember an email (video) a few weeks ago where we shared the Back to the Future project.  Students worked hard, and there are many shining examples of excellence where the ISB attribute of creativity is showcased. We invite you to watch your son/daughter’s presentation and maybe several other student presentations.  Students nominated the following as “must see” videos.  (Kris PornsirikulLinzi DurandtLogan Major Brooke WaltherVeronica PakTam Suteesopon). However, there are SO MANY fantastic videos and we hope you’ll see them.  Below are the links to access the presentations.
Thank you for taking time to read this and also for watching the videos. If you have something positive to say, please feel free to leave a short video response on the student’s video.  You can click on an icon that looks like this:
We’re sure students would really appreciate your kind and encouraging feedback.  Thank you so much for your continued support!
Matt Piercy
One parent’s response:

Dear Mr Piercy,

Yesterday we watched a few videos and we were impressed with the ability of the students to deliver a presentation. It was also a moment to reward __________ and to discuss his work and _________’s one (both chose the glasses) to look for improvements that he could have done. It was a really nice, positive and constructive discussion.
Kind regards,

3-2-1 (Take-Aways, Questions, and a Reflection) on Virtual Learning

3 Virtual Learning Take-Aways:

  1. It takes time to develop a classroom culture.  Moving into the 9th week, the learning curve has been a little steep but I have come to realize that one of the roles I do not need to fulfill is that of “cheerleader.”  It’s counterproductive and actually a lie to act as if everything is “normal.”  Beginning Zoom sessions with a rah, rah, rah…”Good morning everyone!” has taken a backseat to a more invitational approach.  “I’m unmuting your microphones so you can all say ‘hello’ to each other.”
  2. Be okay with breakout rooms sometimes resembling a space for students to watch paint dry on a wall.  Sometimes they will be flat, especially if time isn’t taken to carefully craft the right “mix” of students in a breakout room.
  3. Come to peace with an unfamiliar quiet.  Maybe even appreciate how this hiatus provides students with an opportunity to improve listening skills.

2 Big Questions

  1. How do ethnic and home cultures of a student impact what they “bring to the table” in a virtual setting?
  2. What creative strategies might I be able to employ in effort to better “read the air.”

1 Reflection

  1. I’m absorbed in Erin Meyer’s, “The Culture Map.” What really grabbed my attention early in the book is the difference between low and high context cultures.

“Low-Context:  Good communication is precise, simple, and clear.  Messages are expressed and understood at face value.  Repetition is appreciated if it helps clarify the communication.

High-Context:  Good communication is sophisticated, nuanced, and layered.  Messages are both spoken and read between the lines.  Messages are often implied but not plainly expressed.”

Meyer’s continues by sharing how different countries fit on this sort of low/high context continuum.  An island nation, such as Japan, more likely to be insular and steeped in thousands of years of shared culture. Furthermore, its homogeneity also adding to a greater degree of nuance and layering of language.  How very different than the United States, the country I call home.

This has me reflecting on the nature of communication in our classrooms, especially if this is a skill we assess. Additionally, in our current Zoom classrooms, there are countless factors to consider that may be effecting, shaping, bending, and possibly blasting the classroom cultures we attempt to create.  Who would have thought about the role of distracting avatars and virtual backgrounds, or the need to mute student microphones because of the clanging of dish washing as life goes on in the houses of our students?




Riding the Momentum

In a recent blog post by James Birchenough titled, Leading through the fog, we are reminded of the essential roles of kindness and empathy.  Being a leader of any organization during the trying months of COVID-19 presents challenges that no GPS could guide us through.  A seemingly shifting terrain with ever-changing weather patterns.

“Whichever camp we sit in, we need to be kind to each other, try to empathise and understand each other’s perspectives, and give each other a little extra grace: we’re all doing the best we can.”  (Birchenough)

So, in the forefront of my thoughts is this, yet occupying seemingly larger recesses of my mind, is the question many are considering; begging for time to answer.  “What will school look like post pandemic?”  I consider myself humble, yet there is ONE thing I do definitely know.  With all the speculation and ambivalence that everything will go back to normal, or a “new normal,” I flat out disagree.  There is no going back!  If nothing else, students, teachers, and families have all eaten from the “apple” that fell from the tree.  Call it the Tree of Knowledge or better yet, the Corona Tree.  In this case knowledge gained from direct experience.


Why an Apple?

Bing Crosby sang about apples in his 1939 hit, “An Apple for a Teacher.”  And before this, popular lore dates back to the 1700s where in Sweden and Denmark, baskets of apples were given to teachers as a sort of payment for a child’s education.  Then there are stories connecting apple giving to teachers as a result of a popular phrase, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”  Gifting a teacher with a healthy snack was a token of appreciation and a possible way to get on the teacher’s good side.  Is it ironic if we further consider that this same fruit is the name of one of the world’ largest computer companies?  Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc. is quoted as saying the origins of the company’s name were, “Partly because I like apples a lot and partially because Apple is ahead of Atari in the phone book and I used to work at Atari.”


Post WWI and WWII

No one would be so naive as to claim that life post either of the World Wars, just went back to normal.  Facts and stories about this have compiled volumes. Lives the world over, cultures forever changed.  The effects being almost written in the human DNA.  For simplicity sake, take the role of technology pre and post WWI as but one example of change.  “France only had 140 aircraft when war began, but by the end of it, it had used around 4,500” (https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/45966335).  But what about the role of women, medical innovations, and political borders?

The effects of the wars were gruesome and violent yet, inherent in survival was change.  A moving forward and not expecting life to be how it was.  Positively, there was a surge in arts and a sort of counter-revolution. The arts a means for memorializing the dead. Sculpture, painting, song, and memoire but a few examples.  It is possible today’s war with Corona is stimulating a similar shift.  Sidewalk art, along with rainbows and teddy bears in windows are glimpses of both solidarity and artistry.   Yet, what I imagine is more pervasive in its invisibility but also ubiquity.  The whole world over, the pandemic has forced our hand to adapt.  And humans are masters of adapting.

Whether we like virtual learning or not, and regardless of our deeming it a success or not, both may as well be mute points.  For the reality is, the wheels on the bus continue to go round and round.  The pandemic has forced our hand.  Virtual learning it is!  Many critics point to the ever-widening achievement gap and expanding inequities.  I would agree.  Yet, looking at where we are and where we want to be, seems to be the gravest consideration.  To do this, it would behoove us to answer the question, “What is the purpose of school?”


Why School?

The deep-seated roots of and role of tradition, combined with “this is the way it’s always been” practices of the institution, are collapsing.  At least during the reign of Corona.   Steeped in nearly 400 years of structure, compliance has overshadowed our school houses.  Virtual learning has not provided for this control.  There no longer is a “front” of the classroom, though a teacher may still be able to “mute” a student.  The lecture approach neither captivating nor effective.  For many, virtual learning is an experience of less than 8 weeks.  We cannot forget how in the scope of education as we know it, this is but a blip in time.  Yet, one that continues to leave an indelible mark.


I just hope we open our arms and hearts wide to the possibility of what school can be.  For me, this means continuing to expand in kindness, empathy, and creativity.






The Real March Madness

~Coronavirus, both disruptor and catalyst for change in education

Spring 2020 is an unprecedented time. More than a billion students worldwide are learning in unfamiliar ways. We are at a crossroads. Where virtual learning is redefining what is “real.” It is the road less traveled. Families and teachers alike must take it.  For many  it is uncomfortable. Yet as Robert Frost surmised, this “road” will make all the difference.

Virtual learning is a grand opportunity, an adventure of sorts. One that cannot be painted with a single brush. Though some may be crusaders; either remiss, disapproving, or outright rejecting alternative approaches to education, the fact remains, the status-quo is not an option. Meaning, the situation worldwide is one in which the traditional learning within the confines of brick and mortar school houses, is not even lawful. So, this “battle” mentality will not serve students because this is not a war. Further, it is wholly myopic to abridge the current Coronavirus crisis and the challenges it presents to education. Whatever the case, future focused education is now pushed into the crosshairs. 21st century skills, learning, literacy, and life skills, no longer a postscript.


Silver Linings Abound

Though some educators may try to put new wine in old bottles, this quickly grows tiresome. Holding fast to a model of learning contingent on information, and simply attempting to replicate the physical experience by bringing it all online, is daunting but also nearly impossible. Recording lecture videos, digitizing assignments and entire curriculums is but one futile step along the “road”. This is because what beckons is a more human approach, couched in creativity and collaboration. Where we can streamline feedback but also design a type of learning where students feel a more invitational approach. A venue for personal learning.


Personalized Learning

Standing for a few minutes in a Starbucks and listening as customers put in drink orders, attests to novelty but also personalization. “Grande, quad, nonfact, one pump, no whip, mocha.”  Followed by, “Venti iced skinny hazelnut macchiato, sugar-free syrup, extra shot, light ice, no whip.” There are few repeats. Next, consider the impact of Netflix. Video streaming allows us to watch whatever, whenever, and wherever. This begs the question, might education begin to follow a similar path to personalization? With the demands of high-stakes testing in a seeming state of decay, the time for personalized learning has never appeared riper. Further, might the current COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on outdated models of teaching and learning, be the straw that broke the camel’s back? The impetus for a change long overdue? A paradigm shift in education.


How We Might Move Forward?

Clearly, of primary concern during this strain, is students feeling cared for and understood. A central tenet of teachers’ motivation to educate is to develop relationships with students. It is critical to harken back to this motivation as Teaching Tolerance elaborated in a March 23, 2020 article titled, “A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Through Coronavirus”.

As educators and families move past the panic, a new more optimistic mindset must be in motion. COVID-19 is forcing us to think differently about all segments of the way we work, but hopefully also about how students might be able to learn. Where experiences are created that motivate but also empower students. Invitational approaches as opposed to mere mechanisms of compliance. Where context presides over content. And  where learning is more guided and supported, than directed or controlled. Digital platforms such as Zoom allow for connection and collaboration. According to Samantha Murphy Kelly of CNN Business, “On Monday March 23, Zoom was downloaded 2.13 million times worldwide, up from 2.04 million the day before.”  With virtual learning on such platforms, the valuable skill of collaboration is not only possible but necessary to utilize.

As hierarchies continually dissolve in our flattening world and systems, Zoom breakouts are but one example, where a teacher is able to pop between student discussions, yet trust is necessary. Trust that learners will stay focused because they can, but also because they care. In a traditional physical classroom, a teacher may have comfortably sat in error atop an omniscient high horse, eavesdropping and feeling like they could see and hear all that transpired within the four walls of their classroom. Containment provides a sense of control. Now, the walls are removed. The Zoom lesson may be expected to be recorded and some parents even watching. So, vulnerability and trust are vital.


From Consumers to Creators

The current pandemic situation is an opportunity for educators to determine how students might learn differently. Where they might be provided with greater autonomy,  and opportunities to develop their strengths while pursuing their passions. The Information Age, caused by the advent of the world wide web has not entirely passed us by. Only now, we find ourselves swimming in what is being called, the Experience Age. There is no denying that COVID-19 has us fully immersed in this “experience”. It only seems sensible that education mirrors the times. The factory model of education is six feet under.

Virtual learning presents an opportunity for students to experience; to be more engaged in meaningful processes. In turn, processes which result in products designed with purpose and audience in mind. Part of the Experience Age and project-based learning, is the prevalence of the “gig” economy and freelancing. According to Fast Company and Jessica Klein, a freelance journalist herself, “35% of the U.S. workforce is now freelancing—10 million more than 5 years ago.”  Students are not “moving into” a world commanding them to know how to be creative and autonomous. They already are living in this world!

Just found out about this amazing man, Paul Salopek, and his “Out of Eden” walk around the world. He thinks the coronavirus may change our values to slow down and savour life. https://t.co/uoQWust8n9

— Elizabeth Woodworth (@Abettervision) April 6, 2020

Slowing Down

Amidst the pandemic, teachers have some decisions to make. After defining how they can best meet the needs of students, they must determine what is the essential learning. Simplicity is a lesson already learned by early adopters of virtual learning. Further, the design for essential curriculum requires close consideration of what will be sustainable over the long haul. Whatever districts, schools, and departments decide, flexibility and navigating ambiguity are essential. As is, the critical need to be poised, patient, and observant. Slowing down in this already ramped up world might be one gift of quarantines and lock-downs. National Geographic explorer, Paul Salopek, is seven years into his walk across the planet, a “road less travelled” as he steps 21,000 miles. Traveling at such a slow pace allows him to get to know people and then tell stories imbued with hope, resilience, and connection.

COVID-19 has forced us in many ways to slow down. This slowing down paramount.  Barren city streets, shuttered businesses, and social distancing has definitely illustrated strangeness. Finding calm amidst the pandemic storm often feels illusory. The chaos, fear, and panic pervasive. “Keeping Quiet” (partially excerpted here), a poem by Neruda, reminds us of the value of stillness and silence, but also the reassuring fact that we are in this together.


For once on the face of the Earth

let’s not speak any language,

let’s stop for one second,

and not move for one second, 

and not move our arms so much.


It would be an exotic moment

without rush, without engines,

we would all be together

in a sudden strangeness